Thursday, December 24, 2015


The truth about "One-a-day keeps the Doctor away" The Apples are the fruit of the pomaceous fruit tree and are a rich source of the Polyphenols. Polyphneols have been shown to increase blood flow and relax arteries. They are one of the main reasons why the Mediterranean diet has been shown to be so healthy.Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.Another ingredient is a potent flavenoid called quercitin. This chemical is found in the skin of apples and onions.
It has been suggested that if you were to eat one a day as well as 2 tablespoons of onion and 4 cups of green tea (also rich in flavonoids) to your menu, you, like the men who consumed these foods in another study, may have a 32% lower risk of heart attack than people who consume less of these foods.Researchers in Italy found that if you were to eat the skin with the apple then you would reduce the chance of cancer by:-• 
     40-60% (Eat the skin)•            30-40% (Eat only the pulp)•   Other recent researches have shown that eating them helps to:•   Prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells (Thanks to the presence of the flavonoid Quercetin, an anti-oxidant) •   Inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells (thanks to the skin)•     Reduce the risk of lung cancer•         Inhibit the developments of bladder cancer (especially in smokers)So when you get out and about to enjoy the Health-Benefits-of-Walking you would be well advised to take one along for a refreshing delicious healthy snack for not only will it revive you rapidly with the sugars contained within but you will long term help your body to maintain peak health because eating one a day has been proven to increase blood flow and relax arteries.The most beneficial variety for this benefit is an old english variety called 'Evesse' that one supermarket, Waitrose in the UK, sells as a juice in cartons.Another very good source of Polyphenols is Red Wine. It would appear that this group of nutrients are only found in the skin and around the pips of the red grape and not the white so to help protect your heart and circulatory system it might be worth considering having a glass of red wine with your evening meal. (Please do not drink and drive).There is one other aspect of this biblical fruit. If you eat the pips or seeds, along with the rest of the fruit you are actually consuming a tiny amount of cyanide that many reports suggests has anti cancer properties in fact some alternative health practitioners advocate eating the stones, ground up of course,  from the Apricot fruit for the larger amount of cyanide in the stone.Return to the  Health page Back up to the top of Apples  page Apples. The truth about "One-a-day keeps the Doctor away" The Apples are the fruit of the pomaceous fruit tree and are a rich source of the Polyphenols. Polyphneols have been shown to increase blood flow and relax arteries. They are one of the main reasons why the Mediterranean diet has been shown to be so healthy.Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.Another ingredient is a potent flavenoid called quercitin. This chemical is found in the skin of apples and onions.
It has been suggested that if you were to eat one a day as well as 2 tablespoons of onion and 4 cups of green tea (also rich in flavonoids) to your menu, you, like the men who consumed these foods in another study, may have a 32% lower risk of heart attack than people who consume less of these foods.Researchers in Italy found that if you were to eat the skin with the apple then you would reduce the chance of cancer by:-•      40-60% (Eat the skin)•            30-40% (Eat only the pulp)•   Other recent researches have shown that eating them helps to:•   Prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells (Thanks to the presence of the flavonoid Quercetin, an anti-oxidant) •   Inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells (thanks to the skin)•     Reduce the risk of lung cancer•         Inhibit the developments of bladder cancer (especially in smokers)So when you get out and about to enjoy the Health-Benefits-of-Walking you would be well advised to take one along for a refreshing delicious healthy snack for not only will it revive you rapidly with the sugars contained within but you will long term help your body to maintain peak health because eating one a day has been proven to increase blood flow and relax arteries.The most beneficial variety for this benefit is an old english variety called 'Evesse' that one supermarket, Waitrose in the UK, sells as a juice in cartons.Another very good source of Polyphenols is Red Wine. It would appear that this group of nutrients are only found in the skin and around the pips of the red grape and not the white so to help protect your heart and circulatory system it might be worth considering having a glass of red wine with your evening meal. (Please do not drink and drive).There is one other aspect of this biblical fruit. If you eat the pips or seeds, along with the rest of the fruit you are actually consuming a tiny amount of cyanide that many reports suggests has anti cancer properties in fact some alternative health practitioners advocate eating the stones, ground up of course,  from the Apricot fruit for the larger amount of cyanide in the stone.

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